
Hiroshi Yoshimura (吉村弘) - Soft Wave For Automatic Music Box (early works 1973-76) FULL ALBUM

how to pell a clementine

Who else is so fucked in their lives? Personally I am a 20 years old engineering student in France and I can't find relief in other people's company. Don't know since when I am like this, probably too much drugs you may think. Or maybe too much Internet? Do you think this is the big problem of our generation?


How to pell a clementine, I’m so fucked in life...

Joel Reber

Clementine, pursue your interests in music through going to shows and finding a like minded community, regardless of the problems of our generation, which are gargantuan and effect us all, we can make a personal choice to use a pickaxe to uncover some beauty in the ugly stone of this human planet.


How to pell a clementine, yes the over exposure to internet develops difficult human interactions as we gain more information and less human contact.


All in all do what u love. Love what others do if you see love in what their doing. Music is the worlds true religion. Meaningful things are always hidden and viewed unimportant. And pick the right drugs, lol, the natural ones; music, sports, shrooms, sex, Mary Jane, food, and moderation is key. And I need to stop I'm not a life coach and feel like you half of the time too but you asked and I relate and came to this obscure music box so fuck it, lol, be unique but not in a way that makes you feel superior.

bach tran

I'm an engineering student and I feel the same, bro.


Life's fucked and it'll never feel quite right. That said, having found your way to Mr. Yoshimura is a solid path to figuring out the good stuff. Coming summer, dedicate an afternoon to yourself in your favorite garden with some shrooms, green tea and new age Japanese electronica and I feel fairly confident something true will appear somewhere in there. This shit certainly rings true to me.

Bret Roman

20 in Los Angeles, studying architecture, also fucked by life but surviving through music, art and occasional drug experiments. Maybe you may be interested in some philosophy readings. La Nausea by Sartre is a good one, you can find a pdf online....
Humans are confusing...

Doug Erhard

". . .“Hell is other people” has always been misunderstood. It has been thought that what I meant by that was that our relations with other people are always poisoned, that they are invariably hellish relations. But what I really mean is something totally different. I mean that if relations with someone else are twisted, vitiated, then that other person can only be hell. Why? Because. . . when we think about ourselves, when we try to know ourselves, . . . we use the knowledge of us which other people already have. We judge ourselves with the means other people have and have given us for judging ourselves. Into whatever I say about myself someone else’s judgment always enters. Into whatever I feel within myself someone else’s judgment enters. . . . But that does not at all mean that one cannot have relations with other people. It simply brings out the capital importance of all other people for each one of us. "

- Jean Paul Sartre


I think it's somewhat our curse in capitalism, being something we don't want to be. Like the others suggested go look for what makes life feel worthwhile. Look for situations that make you think "it makes sense that I am here right now". It's hard first, but a process. Also you will meet the right company then. Wish you all the best. You're still young and you'll figure this out.


Stop taking the drugs. You may also be an introvert and may find happiness in your own company and confusion with others. Find things you can enjoy on your own.


It's not strange to feel this way, especially when you're young. Things may change for you.


But still you talk to us out here - everybody needs human contact. Seems a fact. So many people today don't trust their own thoughts and depend on the opinion of others, not of somebody in particular but of the status quo of the masses: so the question is often: how is something rated, which is of course totally overrated. The internet is without a doubt a reason why the ways of our standard social intercourse gets fucked up. Still it's absolutely no solution to regard oneself as a victim. Go out of your room and be brave and make people clear what you really think. As you have noticed there's a bunch of people that either feel a similar way or have to say something to your point - great isn't it?

Mike DeCosta

This thread is mad beautiful, as is the sound from which it spawned.


Oui, c'est ca... But look at the connection you forge here. Not a substitute for the flesh world, but... something. "Pell," go to Whitehorse and spend two weeks on the Yukon River in a canoe. No electricity. It is medicine. Or find your own Yukon. Good luck.

Brandon Huddleston

We're all longing. we're under control. We'll never have what we truly desire, unless we make it our reality.

Thomas Rough

Some thoughts:
Maybe you should look for something else than relief in the presence of others?? Relief from what? Relief for what (why)? What feels better, and why? Trust yourself and try to avoid harming.
Love Tom.